B12 Injection

Wai Acupuncture offers B12 injection. These B12 injectables are supplied by prestigious pharmaceutical such as KRS global Biotechnology. Vitamin B12 deficiency is more prevalent nowadays. It can have serious consequences including brain fog, cognitive decline, heart diseases and infertility. 

(This is a prescription level injection.  It requires an Evaluation and Management on file.  If you are an established patient, you have already fulfilled this requirement.  If you are a new patient only desires B12 injection, you will need an Evaluation and Management on your first visit.  Please refer to pricing page for detail.)

FAQ of Vitamin B12

  • 1) What are the common serious consequences of B12 deficiency?

    Memory loss, Depression, Anxiety, Cardiovascular disease, Male and Female infertility.

  • 2) Why B12 deficiency go undiagnosed?

    B12 depletion can take many years to become clinically evident. In fact, there are four stages of B12 deficiency. In stage 1 and stage 2, there are no observable symptoms. It is not measurable. It does not cause macrocytic anemia until stage 4, this is in very last stage of B12 deficiency.

  • 3) I have my B12 checked, my physician said it is normal.

    The serum marker of B12 deficiency in America is defined at less than 200 pg/mL. However, many people even experience symptoms of B12 deficiency between 200 – 350 pg/mL. In Europe, the lower end of range of B12 level is 400 and up.

  • 4) I am vegetarian, Should I get vitamin B12 shot ?

    B12 is richest in liver, clams, oysters and shellfish. Beef, lamb are also good sources as well. Seaweeds, spirulina and fermented soy products are claimed to contain Cobamides (B12 analogues but not true B12). If you are on vegetarian or vegan diet, you should be supplementing with B12 injections.

  • 5) Who is at Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

    Some people cannot absorb enough vitamin B12.  Body’s ability to absorb vitamin B-12 decreases as you age. Most digestive problems like GERD keep you from absorbing this vitamin. Some medications block vitamin B12 absorption such as Prilosec, Prevacid, Tagamet, Zantac and Metformin.