Acupuncture is a natural medicine. Our bodies (designed by mother nature), has the ability to heal naturally. Acupuncture is not a placebo effect, spiritual magic, or a “make-belief” practice, but rather has been backed by research and testimonials to support the legitimacy of its effectiveness. Due to much research being copyrighted, we cannot add it here, but please feel free to contact us if you would like more information.
Acupuncture is the Physiotherapy of Nervous System
Acupuncture involves the intentional insertion of very fine sterile needles on the body’s surface skin to trigger a cascade of the three following mechanisms to bring healing:
1) Local Effect – When a fine, sterile needle is inserted in the skin, our bodies are stimulated to produce at least 9 biochemical substances that brings local healing.
2) Spinal Segmental Effect – Our brains have a “opioid center” in the hypothalamus area. The stimulation of a point (by an acupuncture needle) on the designated skin area can initiate a signal to the natural “opioid center” to release natural beta-endorphins that is your own “natural opioid” to alleviate pain.
3. Electro Magnetic Field Theory – Wherever there is a current of electricity, there is magnetic field. This field induced by acupuncture is proven to be beneficial to calm our mind down, thus leading to patients reporting a relaxed feeling from the practice.