Google Reviews

Group of Happy Patients Giving a Positive Review
Google reviews are an inseparable part of the internet. As we consider a service, we want to see what others are saying about the business.
We work extremely hard and always go an extra mile with our patients. Our reviews are from actual patients that have been helped by us. Therefore, our reviews give potential patients a taste of who we are.
So, how do we consider a business service from the reviews ?
First, consider the number of reviews. A very low number of reviews may reflect the business is not too active especially if it has been operating for some time. A very high number of reviews can be indicative that the business is buying reviews or getting reviews from an inappropriate channel. Recently, a nearby competitor has an increased of over 100 reviews within weeks. It turns out the competitor posted a video on Tiktok then asking people to leave review on her business. We believe this is a breach of Google’s terms of service as the reviews should only reflect true experience from the business’ primary service (in this case, in person acupuncture treatment). Hopefully Google’s algorithm will eventually catch up with it and remove those unjust reviews. To see if a business is buying reviews or not, I sort their reviews by date with most recent first. Then I will pay attention to the number of reviews vs time frame. In WAI Acupuncture, we pledge to never mislead our patients.
Second, consider the content of the reviews. You will typically see a very short line for those purchased reviews or the contents are very generic. True reviews usually are more specific when real patients are telling their healing stories (which they cannot contain !). In the above example, our competitor’s new reviews clearly was written by Tiktok users. There were no healing stories. Many mentioned seeing her Tiktok video so this is a giveaway that she did this to artifically inflate her reviews. The reviewers did not have any in person experience with the provider. When our patients ask what to say when reviewing us, we always tell them to say it from the bottom of their hearts. No need to fake or hide anything as we are “down to earth” people and believe potential patients will appreciate the truth and real stories.
WAI Acupuncture proudly serves Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Apopka, Maitland, Lake Mary, Sanford and the surrounding areas and are happy to answer any questions you might have. Call 407-335-4688 or visit Wai Acupuncture for more information about our services and book a Free Initial Consultation now !