Our emotions

In Chinese Medicine, our emotions and five organs are correlated closely with each other. We understand “you are what you eat”, but most important is “you are what you think.” What goes on in our mind has a profound effect on our bodies. Thoughts, emotions affect all organs – immune, nervous, hormonal, circulatory and reproductive system. Emotional well being is vital part of our health. Having these emotions are part of the normal human experiences but when our emotions become excessive or repressed for long time, they negatively affect and upset the energy flow through our meridians. Let’s talk about our heart – the important organ of our body is to pump the blood to nourish our body cells. Anxiety can affect the body’s functions. It can raise your blood pressure, it can elevate the white blood cell count, it can increase the blood sugar by the action of adrenalin. Stress affects the circulation, the heart and the whole nervous system. In early western medicine, doctors already believed that emotions were linked to diseases. There is a powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual and behavioral factors can directly affect our health. Living with fear is highly stressful, it often leads to depression and ruin a person’s health. Each day, learn to unwind before going to bed, nourish a grateful heart with optimistic thinking is the best for our health.
