Lean vs Fat

Muscles and fat are not “created equal”. How so? One pound of muscle is able to burn about 35 calories per day; one pound of fat only burns 2 calories. Therefore, if you have gained 10 pounds of muscles through exercises, your metabolic rate is increased by 350 calories per day. Best way to measure health is by how much muscle tissue we have compared to fat tissue. The emergence of illness are due to low-muscle/high-fat ratio. BMI is another indicator to predict how likely we may develop degenerative disease. A healthy BMI should be 18.5 – 24.8. Any number above 25 indicates overweight. Another indicator is the measurement of waist/hip ratio. Just measure your hip circumference at its widest part and measure your waist at the narrowest part of torso. Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. Ideal ratio should be around 0.7. If the ratio is greater than 0.85, it means you are at risk of many health conditions. How to increase content of lean muscle? Simply speaking, muscles must be under continuous resistance to become stronger, leaner and better developed. In other words, if you consistently put a strain on certain group of muscle, it will adapt by getting more physically powerful, more toned over time. On contrary, if you do not put any strain on your muscle, they become weaker and flabbier. To be healthy, lean muscle must increase.
